2.1 Keyboard Accessible

 I have skipped the last few in the previous section because they were mainly to do with HTML and CSS issues, which the vast majority of people don't work with... unless they are developers, in which case, they should be able to read the guidance and put it into practice themselves.

So I have jumped to the next section, section 2, which is about operability. Basically, all user interface components and navigation must be operable - be able to be used.

The first guidelines in this section address keyboard navigation. All functionality should be achieveable by keyboard only. That means... unplug your mouse and check that you can still use whatever it is you have designed.


Before we start delving into the specifics of this one, I would like to challenge you to live for a day or two without your mouse. Unlug it! Put it in the drawer. Do everything with your keyboard.

Why is this important?

Because you will begin to understand some of the challenges of keyboard navigation. You might find that you actually come to prefer keyboard navigation for some tasks but you might also find that you get stuck sometimes or a task takes ages to complete. Understanding this, through lived experience, is really valuable.

Let me know how you get on.

Why doesn't everyone just use a mouse?

Good question. If you think about it, you will probably think of many reasons why some people can't use a mouse and hundreds more why some people prefer not to. I'll start you off...

  • Arthritis
  • Dexterity impairment
  • No hand/arm (one or both)
  • Pain conditions
  • Posture issues
  • Tremor.
How many more did you come up with?


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