What looks good?

A few years ago, I did a photography course. As well as learning how to use all the different functions of my camera, instead of always having it on AUTO, we learned a bit about composition and what makes a photo look good. We learned about the rule of thirds, leading lines and framing. I hope that understanding this has helped me improve my photography.

A few weeks ago, I started my new job as an e-learning designer. When I was looking for something new, I noticed there were e-learning developer and e-learning designer jobs, and I wonder what the real difference is. I suspect, in practice, they both do much the same things. In theory, I'm more of a developer - I'm good at making the technology do what I want it to do. I've got the educational experience and I know what I want the learner to experience and I want to use the technology to enable that.

As a designer, I'd like to think I'm not too bad. I understand the basics of what makes a design look good, at least in an educational context. I look at a resource and can tell you what I like or loath about it. It is an area, I want to develop further though. Many years ago, I had some sight problems and I stopped making the effort to 'see', in the sense that I chose to become reliant on my other senses more (maybe as a defence mechanism). Now though, I'm suddenly interested in the visual aspect again. I'm constantly asking myself what looks good and why.

In my new job, at the moment, I'm transforming e-learning packages - taking old stuff and making it look more modern and ensuring that it meets accessibility requirements. I'm finding it really interesting, not just in terms of the work itself, but also the content of the e-learning packages. Unfortunately though, it's confidential subject matter and largely restricted, so I can't share any of it here. I'm using Storyline 3, which I've picked up pretty quickly, and really love! I'm in the process of putting together some templates of some of the interactions I've created, so I will be able to share those when I'm done.

In the meanwhile, in my spare time, I'm just enjoying getting out and about with my camera. I like buildings and I like trees, so here are a few of my favourite photos and why I like them...

Photo of the chapel over a lake with geese swimming
 I like the magnificence of this chapel at Clumber Park. I think the trees, with the mixture of evergreen and winter, set it in a beautiful context. The lake in front with small iced sections and then ripples in the foreground add interest for me. I love water! Water often features in my dreams and it fascinates me. It wouldn't usually excite me, but on such a cold day, the clear blue sky gives a feeling of well-being to the overall picture.

 I have no idea at all what this house is. I took the photo from the Yorkshire Museum gardens and it's the black and white lines that drew me to it. That Tudor style is all over York and reminds me of stories I heard in history lessons. In this photo, I like the way the two trees provide a frame for the house. I also liked the people being in the picture, with the pink coat showing that life has moved on and providing a glimmer of colour to go with the green grass.

One of the things I love about York, is the mix of old and new. The city has such a rich and vibrant history, which connects with my Yorkshire roots. In this photo, I like the Roman walls leading to the round house but it's the contrast of the newer houses behind that make the picture speak to me.


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