Phase 1 complete

The last few weeks at work have been very exciting! After what feels like months of planning, the first phase of my project, the replacement of our IT infrastructure, has actually happened. There were moments when I thought it wouldn't happen, or that something would go seriously wrong, but all the planning paid off and the actual installation went really well.

Promethean ActivPanels

This isn't the whole thing but one of the most exciting bits of this new kit, for me, is the replacement of our various makes and models of interactive whiteboards with these modern ActivPanels. I can't wait to deliver the training sessions for our tutors and other staff in a couple of weeks, as I'm sure everyone will love the ease of use and the look and feel of these.

Photo of newly installed ActivPanel with thumbs up and thumbs down images on the screen

I've used Promethean products for years now but have largely stuck to ActivInspire as my preferred software. I remember being very excited a few years ago, when my eldest son won a set of 32 ActivExpressions (voting handsets) at the BETT show. I've still got those but what I discovered recently will probably make them redundant too.

Class Flow

I've not really had the chance to delve into Class Flow until very recently. It's a web-based solution that can be used with these interactive panels and other interactive whiteboards to plan and deliver engaging lessons. You can connect to it through ActivInspire and use it to do class quizzes but instead of using handsets, learners can use practically any online device (phone, tablet, PC) to connect.

So Class Flow is my next learning curve and I've already made a start. At some point, I'll take some screen shots and post on here to demonstrate what I've learned.


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