Microsoft Forms

If I were in a position to start afresh with online learning provision, what would I choose? This is a question that I've been asking myself over the last few months. I guess it's really part of a bigger question of what our education system could look like if we built it from scratch, with no preconceived ideas of what it should be.

So would I go for an all-singing, all-dancing VLE or would a combination of individual online tools be more useful? Would I be prepared to pay or should it be free? Are there certain things that are more important in adult learning than if I were in a school? So many questions! So many options!

Somewhere down the line of thought processes, I ended up looking at Microsoft 365 for Education. That's where I'm currently at. This morning, I've been playing around with Microsoft Forms. Forms looks like a good-ish tool for doing quizzes and surveys. It would also lend well to learning activities where learners need to gather opinions or feedback. Here's what it looks like...

Screenshot showing a basic form with 3 questions

I particularly liked the fact that respondents can 'rate' with stars. It was easy to set up and enter questions/answers. It saves as you go, which some of our learners would find especially useful. What I didn't like was that you can have multiple answers but you can't specify, for example, 'choose 3'. It's either one or all.

Screenshot showing later questions and themed page

Once I'd finished entering questions, I played with the themes and found an IT theme, which I'll use for this. There's also a 'share' button that gives various options for getting the completed form out there for people to fill in. I'm going to email it around work to see what people think about our online learning plans. 

Screenshot showing a blank responses page

At the moment, I obviously don't have any responses but I'll get it out there this week and hopefully have some responses soon. 

There's a lot more to Microsoft 365 for Education than just Forms but I'll post more as I play with the other tools. What I'm really looking for is something I can develop as an online classroom.


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